No need to sweat on what not and what to pack when this Tactical rhino outdoor gear set will do the packing for you!
This Tactical rhino outdoor gear set is a total must-have for beginner outdoor enthusiasts and with its complete and superb quality tools you need for your adventure, it is most definitely a bang for the buck!
Main Features:
Complete set - This Tactical rhino outdoor gear set comes with a bag with an 6/8 piece set of gears you might need when you go in the wild. This includes scissors, tape, bandage, tourniquet, etc.
Durable - Each item that comes in this Tactical rhino outdoor gear set is specially made to have a superb quality making it a trusty pack to have when on the go.
Convenient - No need to stress over assembling an emergency pack and what you need to bring for your outdoor adventure when you can just get this Tactical rhino outdoor gear set!
Product Info:
Package Includes:
1* Retro Leather Pocket Bag
- 1 x Bag
- 1 x Emergency Bandage(4in)
- 1 x Tape(1in)
- 1 x Scissor(19.5cm black)
- 1 x Chest seal(3 holes)
- 1 x Compress Guaze(4in x 5yds)
- 1 x Tourniquet(Plastic Windlass)
- 1 x Marker
- 1 x Elastic bandage 7.5*4.5cm
- 1 x Bag
- 1 x Emergency Bandage(4in)
- 1 x Scissor(19.5cm black)
- 1 x Chest seal(3 holes)
- 1 x Compress Guaze(4in x 5yds)
- 1 x Tourniquet(Metal Windlass)
- 1 x EYE Shield

Shipping Time: Please allow 3-4 weeks for the products to arrive due to high demands. ( or slightly longer if there are unseen delays like a pandemic)
Our Guarantee: At Survival Gears Depot, we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Kindly follow the instructions in our
Shipping FAQ page and we will issue a refund if there is any delivery problems , no questions asked .